About Us

CH Instruments was established in 1994. Our first instrument series, the Model 600 series electrochemical analyzer / workstation, was introduced at the end of 1994. Since then, new products have been added to provide a full line of electrochemical instrumentation.

Product Overview

Our instruments are controlled from an external PC running Windows (with experimental support for Mac OS X and Linux).

  • Ease of use. No plug-in card or other hardware is required on the PC side.
  • Versatility. Our instruments offer a rich repertoire of well-established electrochemical techniques, including: potential sweep, step, pulse, alternating current, stripping, and scanning electrochemical microscopy.
  • Outstanding performance. Our Model 600F potentiostat and 700F bipotentiostat series are very fast, with cyclic voltammetry scan rates of up to 10,000 V/s. Current down to pico-amperes can be measured directly.

Powerful and intuitive software

  • Designed by electrochemists, for electrochemists
  • Macro commands for batch experiments
  • CV simulation and fitting program
  • AC impedance simulation and fitting program
  • Interactive 3D graphics

For each instrument series, various models exist to suit different needs and budgets. Our instruments are well-suited for research and teaching alike.


Check here for a full listing of our instruments.
Browse and order electrodes and accessories.
Our brochure and certain software downloads are found here.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us for more information.
